The Jem Series
A Small World

Some of you who know me better know that my other big collection is My Little Pony, spanning almost 20 years of my life. My Little Pony were also produced by Hasbro and their animated series by Sunbow, like Jem. My Little Pony also had a movie....
And off that movie - well, here's some of the cast list!!

Susan Blu - aka Stormer and LinZ Pearce, not to mention Ann and other minor characters...
and Charlie Adler - better known to Jem fans as Eric Raymond and Techrat!

As you can see above, the name TAMMY AMERSON also appears on the credits for the Jem Series...however I've not traced whose voice she does. Considering what Megan sounds like, I have wondered if maybe Danse was a good candidate...does anyone know for sure??                                                              

(Voiced by Susan Blu - at least in the movie)

Spike (right) voiced by Charlie Adler
Left =  one of the bushwoolies. I think Wishful. Sue Blu also voiced a Bushwoolie - I'm 99% sure it was the blue one, later named Friendly by Hasbro.

Magic Star
In the movie and possibly the TV show as well, she was voiced by Ellen Gerstell, also known to Jem fans as "Rapture"

Tammy Amerson also voiced on the MLP series...possibly Danse? Unconfirmed...but it has also been suggested on the Truly Outrageous Jem list that maybe she voiced Starlight Girl Becky.

I'd bet a fair bit that she was also voiced by Susan Blu. On the Jem Cast Page you can find a clip of her singing (the quality isn't great, but its clear enough to make out). In the pony series, it seems to have been the norm for VAs to sing for their characters as well as speak, unlike in the Jem series.

North Star
In the Pony series, Cathy Cavadini voiced North Star. She is also listed in the Jem credits. She's another candidate in my mind for the possible role of "Danse".

Boy is it a small world!!!

Jem fanatics will also be interested to know that Jem lyrics and MLP ones are written by the same man - Barry Harman -

 and that Ford Kinder, who was involved with the Jem series music was also involved in the My Little Pony movie soundtrack! (Just an aside note, TK Carter is the voice of Shana's beau, Anthony Julian *g*)
And another name making an appearance on the credits is Jay Bacal, who was one of Jem's series producers...

And then there's this guy...

Am I the only person in the world who thinks it's odd that Danny (left) and Danny (right) bear more than a passing resemblance to each other? Okay, so Danny (left) is some years older than Danny (right), but then again, you can only run around after pastel ponies defeating evil slime for so long, can't you?
Danny (left) is captured from the Music Awards. Jem fans will probably recognise him. The other guy - red hair, freckles, and a disturbingly similar hairdo - is also Danny - only Danny from the My Little Pony series - brother of Megan and Molly. I think they definitely have to be the same guy....

Just to tie up the odd with the even odder, did anyone else know that Susan Blu was also Dialogue director for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series???