Blade is a r&b teen idol, adored by millions
of young fans and as wild as he is good looking. He and Jewel meet up sometimes
when doing concerts and for some inexplicable reason Nancy is drawn to him, getting herself into no end
of trouble in the process. Blade is egocentric and selfish, and finds it
amusing to hurt women or set them going against each other. At one point
he is almost responsible for Jewel splitting up. Blade is signed to Riot's
company, Rebel Records.
Blade's sister, Raesha, with whom he used to perform
concerts with at an amateur level died in amotorcycle accident aged only
nineteen, and it is partly this sense of loss which makes him such a loose
cannon with women. Since Blade and Raesha both were foster children, taken
away from their parents at a very young age, they were very close, and losing
his sister sent Blade off on a tangent in the wrong direction. Blade does
not have any other family that he knows of, and he doesn't really know much
about his parents, although the stories go that they were involved in drugs
and too much alcohol. Blade feels some sense of guilt for Raesha's death,
since he was always the protector, and he dealt with his grief by allowing
himself to harden and letting his trust in women to become non existant.
Arrogant as can be and something of a heartbreaker, these days he has shut
himself off to any kind of deeper emotion. He has no qualms about messing
with the inexperienced Nancy's emotions to get what he wants from her, and
when she is not keen to take their relationship to the next level he scorns
and ridicules her.
Blade also has a fling with Sirena which results in rather more than either of
them expected. Though there is never any love between the two, they develop
a strange cool sort of friendship based on their working arrangement and
the benefits of publicity to their relationship. However, in truth Blade
is really a lone wolf figure, who never settles himself anyplace with anyone.