Peach earth pony with pink hair, pink hearts symbol
Thanks to Garej for the Argos catalogue scan of the Grooming Parlour
The original Grooming Parlour was coloured in blue and white, and came with one of the most common (if not THE most common) ponies in the United Kingdom - Peachy. There is never a week on Ebay where there aren't at least a hundred Peachy's on auction, and that's a fact!
Peachy's parlour was known as the Pretty Parlor in the North American release, though as far as I know the basic accessories were the same and are as pictured above in the Argos insert picture. The set also had a pal - a kitten known as "Twinkles". Peachy was a gentle pony who obviously was the pony hair stylist of her age. She featured in a prominent story in one of the very early My Little Pony and Friends editions (possibly edition 1, I don't recall quite), which involved a witch putting spells on ponies with enchanted hair combs.
There is also a flat footed version of Peachy, who is actually pictured in the insert photo, above. How she was released is uncertain - almost certainly as part of the adult/baby My Pretty Pony set that came out in 1982-3, but probably also with early editions of the Grooming Parlour, too.
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