Tenchi Muyo
FanFiction by VraieEsprit
My writing, as with most people's fan fiction, does attempt to use
as many of the original characters as possible. I'm not a fan of random
new characters coming into stories, taking over the plot and turning
themselves into Mary-Sues. So I sincerely hope that none of my
characters have ever been construed in that way.
However, when you're writing something which goes into detail,
sometimes there is a need to bite the bullet and add in a new character
or two to balance things out and make things make sense. Most all of my
new characters are bit part or single story appearance players. Some
have multiple appearances because of the nature of their role - others
do not. I've not had hate mail for any of them yet, so hopefully none
of them are insanely nauseating.
With that said, below is a rough basic outline of the main additional
characters that appear/will appear in my writing! WARNING:
The biographies may provide spoilers!
Ages given - where given - are the ages the characters are when they
are first introduced. :)
Please note that because my writing has meshed the Juraian royal family
more than a little, the family name Masaki "柾木" cannot apply to
Ayeka and her family. I have generally avoided using surnames for
Ayeka's kin to save on confusion. However, in my interpretation of the
Tenchi Universe's royal family, Seto (aka Seto Kamiki Jurai) is the
mother of Azusa, Haru and Aiko. Since she has a seperate surname in the
OVA canon, I have adopted her name Kamiki "神木"
for Azusa and his siblings. For this reason, Haru is Haru Kamiki Jurai
and Aiko is Aiko Kamiki Jurai. Logically this probably also means Ayeka
has become Ayeka Kamiki Jurai, and Sasami has become Sasami Kamiki
Because Katsuhito took the name Masaki from the shrine and Itsuki's
family when he arrived on the Earth, it is impossible for it to remain
as his family name. We are never given an official family name for the
Universe royal family...so I have improvised :)
To further add to the confusion, Ayeka and Takeru's son has Takeru's
name, Imada " 今 打" (I hope I got my kanji
right - I didn't want him to be Mr Not Yet!). That makes him Shigure
Imada Jurai.
In short, the only characters in my Juraian royal family
interpretation/butchering to keep the surname Masaki are Tenchi
himself, and obviously, his daughter Nozomi :)
Where written in kanji, the names adopt the japanese formation (ie
surname first).
柾木 望み 樹雷
Age: 16 and a half
Hair colour: Teal
Eye colour: Amber gold
Other names: Moriko. (森子)
Comments: Nozomi is the daughter of Ryoko and Tenchi. Raised by Sasami and the trusted companion of Tsunami in a dangerous, Kagato-infested future world, Nozomi's task is to help save Jurai's past at the expense of her own future. Nozomi's existance in the new future timeline is uncertain, since time itself is changeable and neither Ryoko nor Tenchi know what it will hold for either one of them. However it is *just* possible that Nozomi might make another story appearance yet...
In the original timeline, Nozomi was abducted from her parents as a baby by members of the Cult of Kagato and known under the name Moriko ("Child of the Forest"). The Cult used her to raise Kagato's spirit, thus setting into play the potential death of Jurai. After the raising of Kagato, Nozomi fled the Cult and found sanctuary with Sasami at the Royal Palace, where she was given the name Nozomi. Her true birth name - as decided by her original parents - is never known (although maybe it was Tenko!).
::picture of Nozomi-chan by the exceptionally talented NADOU::
Age: 17
Hair: Dark purple
Eyes: Dark red
Comments: Shigure is the son of Ayeka and Takeru - brought up in the Juraian social system, he has a lot of trouble disassociating himself from the social stereotypes and expectations of the class system, which can make him appear stuck up. He is very proud, and has a quick temper, especially if he thinks he is being ridiculed in some way. As potential heir to Jurai's throne, Shigure is mortified that as yet he's been unable to wake Jurai's power inside of him, and is secretly fed up with being forced into many marriage meetings with ambitious young Juraiain women, all eager to be the consort of Jurai's future King. Shigure has a good heart beneath his misguided social opinion and his sharp tongue, although sometimes Ayeka despairs of ever making him the King Jurai will need him to be.
Shigure is named after his great, great grandfather - Ayeka's grandfather King Shigure, who was the Emperor that martyred himself against Kain. Shigure feels the burden of this title very much, for his namesake was a great Emperor with tremendous magical ability. This makes him all the more determined to prove himself, and even more frustrated when his magic refuses to materialise!
::picture of Shigure-sama by the exceptionally talented NADOU::
Age: Unknown
Hair colour: Dark blue-black
Eye colour: Blood red.
Comments: Kazuki is Nagi's younger brother, and the son of a bounty hunter, although he expressed no interest in following in the family business. Intelligent and driven, just as his sister, Kazuki trained as a doctor and graduated with very high marks. However, during his education he fell in love with a girl called Naoko who was also a medical student. When Naoko contracted a terminal illness, he refused her request to help her die and was haunted by the decision ever after. His regrets caused him to end the life of another terminally ill patient when she asked him to stop her suffering, and as a result he was struck off from the Galactic Medical Register. Thanks to Nagi, he was not charged or imprisoned for his action, but he now makes his home on a remote planet outside of Galaxy Police jurisdiction. Although legally forbidden from practicing medicine, Kazuki uses his skills regularly to tend to the refugees and outlaws that inhabit his planet, and it is thanks to his abilities that Ryoko manages to survive her original encounter with Kagato Jurai. Nagi and Kazuki are very close, although shows of affection do not exist in their family.
Age: Unknown
Hair: Ebony
Eye colour: Ice blue
Comments: Possibly the most evil Space Pirate ever to
roam the galaxy, Haki was once aligned with the powerful Daluma guild
but betrayed them after a heist on the Science Academy, killing several
of their members in the process. Since this fight, Haki has worn a
scarf over his lower features, to hide the scars taken in the battle.
Few have ever seen his face, and those who have usually wind up dead.
After making off with the Phoenix ship Karasu, Haki became bonded to
the craft's technology, allowing him to regenerate when Karasu did but
at a high mental cost. His mind and the ship's are now meshed, causing
an already dangerous man to become more and more insane.
Haki discovered that Ryoko had Juraian roots and so took her under his
wing when she was a child, training her in the art of piracy while
secretly planning to use her in his own devious plans to snare Jurai's
天南 崇気
Age: 17
Hair: Pink
Eye colour: Aquamarine
Comments: Suki is Seiryo Tennan's young and gentle
sister, and someone he would do pretty much anything to protect. Suki
is naive and inexperienced, easily scared by events and surroundings.
Suki's mother Kaede is critically ill and Suki's father Seiji has many
vices which alienate him from his family. He is also somewhat
chauvenistic and has kept Suki pretty much at home, without allowing
her to grow and develop outside of his influence. Consequently she has
never had friends who weren't of "suitable" class and is quite lonely.
Seiryo was sent away to the Galaxy Police when she was seven, making
her more like an only child for the last ten years, but it has also
left her very alone and helpless with her mother's deteriorating health
and her father's continued problems with infidelity, alcohol and money.
Seiji's attitude towards women has meant she has not learnt many of the
skills other women her age have, and whilst she can read, write, take
care of domestic things and speak six languages, she has no experience
with family finances and is forbidden from becoming involved in her
father's business affairs. The Tennan family are one of the oldest on
Jurai, so Suki has been raised with the constant idea of her family's
honour being the most important thing - above all else.
Suki loves Seiryo with all her heart and equates him to something close
to perfection in her mind, relying on him to solve her problems and
protect her when things go wrong. However, after her father's untimely
death and it's wide ranging consequences, she discovers that her
demands on Seiryo are unfair and she does her best to take
responsibility for her own and her family's actions.
Suki also has a big heart, she is just often too shy and insecure to
reveal it. However, she is incapable of holding grudges or hating
anyone, and once taken under Sasami's wing begins to blossom at the
Juraian court as a lady in her own right.
今 打 丈瑠
Age: 28
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark purple
Comments: Takeru is the eldest son of one of Jurai's
most prestigious noble families, and a childhood sparring partner of
Seiryo Tennan. Takeru's father is wise to the ways of court and managed
to negotiate with Ayeka's father the rights to her hand in marriage.
Well-spoken, well-mannered and the kind who thinks before he speaks,
Takeru's true feelings or thoughts are often concealed behind his
natural Juraian diplomacy. However, he loves his wife very much, even
to the point where he feels he needs to defend her honour against
insults with swordplay. Takeru knows that Ayeka still loves Tenchi, but
this fact only makes him more determined to prove himself to her as the
kind of husband she's worthy of having. He is often very astute, but
reluctant to act in drastic ways in case it upsets the balance of life
around him. However, an exception to this is in situations regarding
Seiryo - when he's only too happy to pull out his weapon and fight.
Age: 21
Hair: Silver blond
Eyes: Dark indigo
Comments: Kichi is an "immaculate" - a child born to a
family with serious genetic flaws in her structure. Most children born
this way are unable to develop normally and die within a few days of
their birth, but Kichi's unusual magical potential has allowed her to
overcome her physical weaknesses and she makes up for in power what she
doesn't have in stature. Initially expected to die on account of the
severity of her condition, her family considered her survival a miracle
and so named her "Kichi" (Lucky) because they believed her divinely
Petite and deceptively slight, she is capable of putting up a fight if
anyone threatens her, and despite her youth, is one of the Academy's
most promising talents.
Kichi is an alumnus of the Science Academy who worked under Washu many
years before. When Washu began to develop Ryoko, Kichi was the only one
she took into her confidence, and when Ryoko was born, Kichi was
entrusted with the job of raising her and training her in her magic to
be the best fighter she could be. Unfortunately, Kichi's wherabouts
were discovered by Kagato's knights Tetta and Tessei. Although she
managed to protect Ryoko from being detected, Kichi was killed in the
resultant struggle.
Kichi's immaculate structure means she is unable to bear her own
children, and as a result she grew to love Ryoko as if she were her own
蔵市妥 満網
Age: 22
Hair: Indigo
Eyes: Sea blue
Comments: Manami is another of Washu's protegees, who worked under her
at the Science Academy. Fascinated by Juraian magic, Manami spends much
of her time and career after Washu's exile studying the Light Hawk
Wings and other Juraian mysticism. At one point, she even operated in a
senior consultancy position on the planet itself, after the defeat of
Kagato and during Ayeka and Sasami's childhood she was relied upon
often by Prince Haru and his wife when a scientific opinion was
required, because of her compassion and her discretion.
Her intense research brings her to
the attention of the vengeful Lady Tokimi, and unfortunately she is
captured and killed by Clay and Zero when she refuses to relinquish to
them all of her findings. On occasion, Zero has been known to assume
Manami's appearance when accessing the Science Academy files, and her
death has yet to be officially reported.
Age: 27
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Black
Comments: Akira is Kichi's hot-headed older brother. He works at the Science Academy as both a scientist and head of security, in order to help supplement his limited finances. He and Kichi drifted apart in the time before her death, which he blames Washu for and as a result he hates Washu enough to want to kill her. However Academy rules forbid killing, and so he has to resort to just hating her from afar. Although he tells people he feels Kichi let herself and her family down, he secretly misses her very much.
糸 桜
Age: 21
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Comments: A native Earthling, Sakura is one of Tenchi's university friends at Osaka Seikei. At first scared half to death by Ryoko's strange abilities, Sakura's natural curiosity allows her to overcome her original prejudices and she and Ryoko become friends also. Sakura has a reputation for being a question mark, but she is loyal and means well.
池田 博史
Age: 21
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Comments: Like Sakura, Hiroshi is a college friend of
Tenchi's at Osaka Seikei, and in many ways is his closest friend at the
college. Although he too is wary of Ryoko to begin with, he tends to
try and cover his discomfort with humour. In the end, he learns to
accept Tenchi's alien companion, turning his interest to other things -
such as the subject of whether she has any pretty alien friends he
could meet, and what alien girls are 'like.'
::The name IKEDA is taken from the OVA continuation, where Tenchi's
school friends are AMAGASAKE, IKEDA and KAMIKURA. No first name is
given for IKEDA or KAMIKURA and Hiroshi's inspiration comes from that
神木 春 樹雷
Hair: Dark purple
Eyes: Dark red
Comments: Haru is Ayeka's father, the younger brother
of Azusa and the eldest of twins. Predicted to be born with Jurai's
power, Haru's magic is dead inside him and no amount of effort made him
popular with his late father. As a result, Haru is not always a happy
individual and has a tendancy to be protective of both of his
daughters. Truthfully he loves them very much, but he is not a natural
people person or communicator, so his manner and methods often offend
others around him. He and Azusa are very close and it was they who
found Ryoko on the planet Yubisu, after Kichi's murder. Haru is Azusa's
chief of security, allowing him the pomp and responsibility of
interrogation and investigation, something which he occasionally pushes
beyond legal Jurai limits.
Haru was extremely close to his dead twin sister Aiko, and her death
affected him far more deeply than he has ever properly expressed.
Although widely believed to have been suicide, Haru rests with the
opinion she was killed by her mad son Kagato, and this is one of his
many reasons for hating Ryoko.
神木 愛
子 樹雷
Hair: Dark cyan-green (a few shades darker than Seto's
Eyes: Ruby red
Comments: Aiko is the jezebel of Jurai's court - the
youngest of three children and Haru's twin sister. She is as different
from her bookish brother as chalk from cheese, and loves the social
whirl of Juraian society. Gaining a reputation as a flirt and a tease
as a young girl, she was forcibly married to an older Lord by her
father at seventeen, but was widowed just over a year later when he was
killed in battle. Refusing to wear widow's garb or respect his memory,
Aiko returned to her old ways, although she was too smart to get too
involved with any of her many admirers. Unlike her brother, she cares
nothing for her father's opinion and is quite happy annoying him as
much as possible. She is very fond of her son Kagato, and seeks to
protect him as much as possible. However, there is a question-mark over
the identity of her son's father.
Aiko died in mysterious circumstances and although most people on Jurai
believe it was suicide, those who knew her best are loath to believe
one who was so full of happiness and life would ever have taken that
下悩夜 友吏影
Age: 21
Hair: Golden blond
Eyes: Brown
Comments: Yurikage is the eldest child of the wealthy
Motonoya family and very conscious of the burden of responsibility on
his head. Impulsive, sometimes foolish but generally well-meaning, he
has attached himself to Sasami's retinue in the hope that one day he
might be considered worthy of being her consort. Although his heart is
in the right place, Yurikage's naturally imperceptive nature does not
allow him to see that Sasami doesn't hold him in the same regard, and
on occasion his youth and fervent devotion to the Princess means he
goes to foolish lengths to impress and protect her (often when she
doesn't need his protection). A man of suitable Jurai breeding and
education, it is thought that Lord Haru approves of the young noble as
a prospective husband for his younger child, although Sasami's opinion
has yet to be swayed in his direction. Although of equal status to
Seiryo Tennan, he often defers authority to his peer due to Seiryo's
older age and greater experience, and holds him in high esteem,
although Seiryo generally considers him a fool and cautions Sasami to
take him in hand before his foolish nature costs him his life.
Rikishouki, Tadashi Ohira)
力生気 の 唯 (男碑等 唯)
Age: 21
Hair: Dark blue
Eyes: Green
Comments: Tadashi is one of the surviving peoples born
from Kihaku's immigrants and now living on Rikishouki. Although his
father's line is descended from the ancient Kii Ohira tribe, mixing
between tribes means that his name is generally given as Tadashi of
Rikishouki, or simply Tadashi. He is the only survivor of his family
who were wiped out by a tropical plague that struck his village - he
survived because of his position as Captain of Yuzuha's Kii guard.
Although originally bewitched by Yuzuha and forced to serve her,
Tadashi has since defected thanks to the influence of Mayuka, the true
heiress of the planet Rikishouki. Despite his young age, Tadashi's life
experiences have made him much older than his twenty one years in some
respects, making him a natural leader and survivor. However, the losses
and suffering of his people mean that he does not always have the same
faith others around him do in the legendary Eagle of Kihaku that
supposedly protects their people from harm. A fighter with a kind
heart, Tadashi's spirit is representative of the warrior Ohira blood
that still courses through him, and he is a role model for some of the
younger men in the guard, particularly Shouhei, who he sees as an
adoptive younger brother.
Rikishouki, Shouhei Kakunara)
力生気 の 生平 (覚習 生平 )
Age: 16
Hair: Dark auburn/chestnut
Eyes: Blue
Comments: Shouhei is one of the youngest of Yuzuha's
guard on Rikishouki. Barely sixteen, his entire family were also killed
in the plague
that destroyed Tadashi's family and consequently he has been under
Tadashi's wing since he was fourteen. Though he is young and scared
stiff of Yuzuha, he is completely loyal to Tadashi and seeks to prove
himself as a man and a fighter in the same way as his friend. Shouhei
is not naturally brave but he works hard to fight against his
cowardice. He is descended from the Kakunara tribe, a family known for
their literary prowess and extensive historical knowledge and his
father was once the keeper of historical records before his untimely
death. Consequently Shouhei is able to read a lot of the ancient script
that even Tadashi and Mayuka are not able to interpret. He is extremely
intelligent, although young, naive and sometimes foolish. Though he
does not have the natural warrior mentality or ability, he has clung to
his position as Guardsman simply because he has no other way to support
himself, and he relies on Tadashi's support and protection more often
than any of his fellows. His name's meaning, "Calm Life" is indicative
of the fact his family's people are generally peaceful and not trained
in the arts of war - a fact which becomes more than obvious when
Shouhei is fighting, as he is unable to bring himself to kill anyone
and he finds it difficult to witness and endure the pain and suffering
of others around him. He serves Yuzuha only out of fear, but his
loyalty to her is never guaranteed. He carries with him his father's
belief that the duty of all the Kii is to serve the true Priestess -
and this he takes very seriously indeed.
朱螺 彩
Age: 23
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Ruby (blood of the Akara)
Comments: The younger sister of Najya, Aya Akara is a happy go lucky soul - most of the time. Despite her clan loyalties to her father and sister as Mages of Airai, Aya prefers to get along with people if she can and is quite willing to accept those born of rival clans if they prove to be of no threat to her and her family. She has a strong fondness for Kagato's father Akito, although it is a one sided affection - Akito is still in love with Princess Aiko, and although he and Aya are friends, it never progresses further than that. Aya works on the reception desk at the Arian Consulate, a place where she can adequately spy on diplomatic Arian proceedings on her clan's behalf and she is not averse to using her natural magics to good use. She is not as powerful as Najya, owing to the fact she is not the Akara heiress, however she has a fair amount of spiritual magic of her own which she usually uses for mundane, everyday tasks.
Aya and Najya are extremely close and it is Aya that Najya trusts her sealed spirit when she is forced into dormancy to escape Kagato's probing assassins.
刺悪止 陽途
Age: 41
Hair: Reddish
Eyes: Gold (legacy of the sun demon)
Comments: Akito Saotome is an ambassador for Airai who resided on Jurai during the early part of his career. He soon fell in love with the youngest daughter of the Emperor, Princess Aiko, but being born of a branch of the deadly Saotome clan, his connections meant that he was refused her hand in marriage. Despite this, he and Aiko had a short, if dedicated affair and both still hold strong affection for one another right up until death. Akito is Kagato's blood father, although few know it, and Kagato goes to great lengths to conceal this connection. Akito's heritage is something he and his branch of the family have turned their back on, preferring not to follow the cursed magic of the Saotome Mage and their descendants. This makes them unpopular with their clan, but able to befriend their family's natural rivals, and Akito is good friends with Aya Akara despite the differences in ages.
Age: 30
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Green
Comments: Junichi was a fellow student at the Galaxy Police Academy alongside Seiryo and the two were far from friends. Born of a Kanemitsu mother and an Earth-born father who abandoned the family at birth, Nakabito's true family name is actually unknown and he adopted the name shared by his mother and brother Akihiro from his mother's first marriage (from which she was widowed). Junichi and his half-brother are as close as real siblings. Although he pretends to have sympathy for the Earth to gain their friendship, he really has no regard for the planet since he has little or no respect for his father's side of his heritage.
Junichi's mother was one of the slain aboard the doomed ship Sumire, for which Junichi (wrongly) blames Juraian plotting. Having grown up on Kanemitsu, he shares their ideals about independance but unlike his mother is willing to work with terrorists and stoop to low levels to achieve it. He considers Seiryo his nemesis, for Seiryo taunted his heritage and stole his fiancee when they were students (neither of which Junichi is able to forgive). Although not fundamentally evil to begin with, Junichi has a bad habit of hanging onto grudges and these have twisted his mind out of rationality and onto a downward spiral towards destruction.
Age: 33
Hair: Sandy
Eyes: Green
Comments: Junichi's older half brother, whose father died in a munitions accident when Akihiro was just a year old. Despite his mother's wariness, Akihiro inherited all his father's latent interest in weapons technology and is currently one of the premier experts on Kanemitsu in various forms of space war weaponry. Although employed by the Juraian assembly on Kanemitsu to carry out research and projects, he also has many ties with underground terrorist organisations and has secretly supplied them with minor arms for many years without his mother's knowledge. Following the death of his mother, Akihiro became more resolved to liberate Kanemitsu in her memory. Of the brothers, Akihiro is more level-headed and less personally involved - although he wishes to do it in his mother's memory, he is not actively vengeful and he is concerned his brother's tendency to become emotional may weaken their cause. He does not care about anything except his brother and the future of Kanemitsu, and does not mind what has to be sacrificed to achieve independance. However he is not evil - he simply has no concept of the views of other races and particularly the Earth, which he is willing to sacrifice if it will achieve their end.
Age: 30
Hair: Indigo
Eyes: Blue-green
Comments: Ryousuke Takamura is the second son of the current incumbents who rule Yubisu in Jurai's name. Of derivative Juraian noble blood, his family is extremely wealthy, and very outward minded - for this reason Ryousuke was educated mostly on Seniwa, where he met and befriended Hideki Imaguchi at boarding school when they were children. Ryousuke is extremely intelligent, but also gentle and cautious, and his vocation was always medicine. At sixteen, he began training two years early on Seniwa due to his intelligence and natural aptitude, but at eighteen, under the coercion of Hideki, he left it behind and signed up for the Galaxy Police Elite where he focused his attention on forensic medicine. He is now the foremost expert in his field, and although sometimes he feels that his connections to Jurai clash with his duty, he has always managed to separate them in his mind. Ryousuke has a better understanding of Seiryo than Hideki does in some regards, in particular in terms of how close Seiryo is to his family. He also has a certain fondness for Seiryo's younger sister Suki, although this has not been made public knowledge.
Age: 29
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Sky blue
Comments: Sharp, incisive and occasionally too much to the point, Hideki Imaguchi is Ryousuke's long term best friend and Galaxy Police Elite partner. Born of an influential Seniwan Daimyo family of similar, of not exact standing to the Kuramitsu, Hideki is nonetheless fairly down to earth about getting his hands dirty in the pursuit of wrong-doing. He is tenacious and not averse to sneaking around or breaking the rules, and his manipulation and handling of people is usually both deliberate and carefully designed, due to his extensive training in dealing with terrorist negotiations and extremist groups. He has no sympathy with the Kanemitsu rebels and despite the fact when they were students Hideki's sharp tongue often was a match for Seiryo's arrogance and pride, he is genuinely fond of his former classmate. He also is not as tied as Ryousuke is by consequences or implications - he sees the path he wants to take and follows it, often without reference to anything else. He is not stupid or foolish, but highly single-minded, and he has no time for Junichi Nakabito or his "whining" behaviour. He is a very honest person at heart, with a good sense of justice...although this sense can occasionally be modified to better fit his opinions.
Hopelessly untidy, Hideki is often the only one who can ever find anything in his own quarters - a fact which is a matter of both frustration and amusement for the extremely careful and tidy Ryousuke.
Age: 50
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Comments: The owner of a lucrative business conglomerate called "Kouken Industries", Seguru Ishida has investments in many different interests on the Earth, particularly in Japan and in the defence project that Washu is involved in to protect Earth from potential space attack. He is also highly suspicious of the interest of external planets, however, and his suspicions lay him open to the skillful manipulation of men such as Junichi Nakabito, who have agendas of their own.
Age: 22
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Comments: A fellow graduate of the same university as Tenchi and his friends and the son of Seguru Ishida, Kenichi is somewhat the spoiled rich boy who like to be the centre of attention. He is a close friend of Kane Kyoda, and also firmly involved in his father's anti-alien policies, bringing Kane into the web as well. His weakness is his lack of discretion, especially when he loses his temper, or when he feels he has someone's attention or interest. This weakness lays him open to Yume's powers of manipulation...and also puts him in serious danger.
Age: 22
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Comments: A former friend of Tenchi's from university, the two have not seen eye to eye since the arrival of Ryoko and the revalation that she is actually of alien birth. Kane is afraid of the alien threat, and a little resentful of the way they've snuck into society. He is also upset that he and Tenchi are no longer friends because of Ryoko and this is another reason he seeks to fight against her by joining up with Kenichi and Seguru Ishida. He is rather prone to being hot-headed, proud and to jumping to conclusions...and although he feels guilty when asked to spy on Tenchi, he also feels that what he's doing is in defence of his own people and planet.
Age: 50
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Sapphire blue.
Comments: Mihoshi's father, a Daimyo lord of Seniwa, and once an Elite agent of the Galaxy Police who was trusted by the Imperial House as well as Headquarters. An expert in Encryption, among other things, Mitsuru was Seiryo's tutor at the Academy and also, in some respects, his mentor, for it was largely thanks to Mitsuru that Seiryo was not expelled on account of his quick temper. Mitsuru is sharp and perceptive, but also extremely patient and he is very fond of his family, even though his wife Mitoto and his daughter Mihoshi are somewhat eccentric. He is very fond of Kiyone and grateful for all she has done for Mihoshi since they became partners. (Although Kiyone doesn't know it, it seems likely that Mitsuru and his family had a lot to do with Kiyone being able to continue with her Academy education after she befriended and helped Mihoshi...)
Some of the planets which appear in my stories are directly pulled
from the series(es!) themselves. The most obvious example is Jurai, but
also Concor, Yubisu, Airai, Seniwa - these are all mentioned at some
point in the various Tenchi canons. My interpretations of them are
largely my own, however - although I have used the foundations given
for Jurai to further develop it to the benefit of my writing.
There is at least one obvious example of a planet which I have not
borrowed from the series. This is the planet to which Washu belongs in
my writing - Kihaku. Below is a brief outline of Kihaku as I intended
it to be...:
Kihaku is an old colony of Jurai which was - as
legend has it - decimated by the madness of it's last priestess. Like
Jurai, Kihaku is a planet with a soul, but unlike Jurai, there is no
sentient being like Tsunami living within it's core. Instead, the
Priest or Priestess of the planet binds his or her soul to the planet's
in order to maintain and protect the people from the savage wildness of
the world's true nature. Unfortunately, after Juraians came to KIhaku
and began mining Kihaku's sensitive core, the spirit of the planet was
permanently scarred and wounded, becoming a vengeful spirit who wanted
only to rid itself of all life in an attempt to find peace. The madness
of the planet became reflected in the Priestess, and all life on Kihaku
died out. This happened many, many milennia ago, but the stigma about
the Kii people still remains because of this legendary last priestess.
The Priest/Priestess's family are always the ones to inherit the burden
of the world's spirit and upon the death of their predecessor, their
aging freezes. No Priest ever dies of old age - but misadventure in
Kihaku's harsh, unforgiving climate. It is said that the life force of
the Priest's tribe is tied up completely with the planet, and if
anything was ever to happen to Kihaku, the Priest's line would
automatically die out.
A planet whose ideals were based on spiritualism rather than science,
many people view Kihaku as a savage backwards world and their people
little more than demons. However Kihaku had a thriving culture before
Jurai's invasion and although they had no interest in science or space
exploration, the world had many remedies, spells, prayers and rituals
which bonded the community closely together. Their overwhelming deity
was the
Eagle God (鷲神様 - washi-kami-sama), thought to be the
visualisation of the World's power and when drawing on Kihaku;s full
magic, a Priest or Priestess was able to take on the wings and shadow
of the Eagle. When invaded by Jurai, this faith was considered heresy
in comparison to the Cult of Tsunami, creating serious tension between
the two peoples and their cultures.
Other significant non-Canon planets in my continuity:
Yousai is a dependant of Jurai, and one which has
always been loyal to the Imperial house, with a strong spiritual belief
in the Goddess Tsunami. However, ten Juraian years ago, Yousai's
central city "Shinoshi" (新和市 - "Shin-o-shi"
or New Harmonious City) was ravaged by
the ambitions of the Arian-born Lady of Yousai, who sought to claim
power for herself. With the help of Jurai's then Crown Prince Azusa,
the Lord managed to imprison his wife in a charm-sealed tower known to
locals as "Tounochi" (塔の血), or "The Tower
Of Blood".The events of ten
years previous have caused many locals to refer to their city as the
City of Death (Shi-no-shi, 市の死) instead.
The ruling clan of Yousai, and the majority of the native-born populace
belong to a people called the Shizukasari (静かさ人),
or "Peaceful People."
Although blessed with a certain amount of spiritual magic, they are not
a warrior race by nature, and have sought to maintain peaceful
relations inside and outside of their own world. This allowed Jurai to
annexe them in the first place, but it also means that they have few
defences against outside attack and are often reliant on Imperial help
to subdue any threats to their people. Technologically speaking, their
developments are at an equal level/standard as Jurai. However, despite
their close links with the Imperial planet, there are few sentient
trees on Yousai and Tsunami's reach is largely symbolic and spiritual,
without the dependance on wood-based infrastructure that the Goddess's
own people seem to favour.
HEIWA (平和)
Heiwa is the planet from which Dr Clay originally hailed, and where he
had his secret lab, based deep within the foundations of an old Feudal
castle. Once, in the long distant past, Heiwa was a lush green paradise
of a planet (indicative by its name which means "peace"), but the
encroachment of the population and their careless
disregard for natural resources has made the atmosphere arid and hot
and the glare of the amber sun dangerous to the skin of the native
people. Because of this, much of the old town is abandoned, and thus
Clay was able to carry out secret research well out of the view of the
ordinary people.
Heiwa's population now live in sealed, artificially
lit domes which spread across the whole planet and are connected by a
series of enclosed walkways. Their demand on electricity and other fuel
sources is great, therefore the climate continues to deteriorate.
Rikishouki is a remote planet in the depths of space, situated not far
from the dead planet Kihaku's solar system. This is significant for a
number of reasons, for it was Rikishouki that the refugees from Kihaku
landed on after attacking and overwhelming the crew of the Juraian
transport ship taking them to Jurai. The people settled, mingled their
tribal blood and became more or less one people, although some tribal
traditions and the Kii faith in the Eagle God remains. Fifteen
years previously, the demon Yuzuha landed on Rikishouki and, taking
advantage of the kindness and naivety of the local people, took control
of the planet with her magic, making the people effectively her slaves
and causing much suffering and poverty. Consequently Rikishouki's
traditional paranoia about outsiders and visitors has been heightened
and much blood has been shed. However, the Kii who live on Rikishouki
still believe an age old legend that one day the Eagle God will send
the true Priestess to save them and set them free once again.