Series Guide: Under The Microscope: Mihoshi Special

Don't Mess With Me, Buddy...

Mihoshi Special

There has been a lot of debate about the Mihoshi special and what exactly it's supposed to be about. I get a little frustrated when reading the comments of those people who like living in their boxes, who say that it "can't" be this and it "couldn't" be that and that "none of it is real, anyway." Whether what Mihoshi tells the audience is true or not, the more important thing about the Mihoshi special is the way in which she views the other characters. And, of course, the introduction of Kiyone, Mihoshi's long suffering partner.

I have seen on various websites that this special has been linked with the OVA, with Tenchi Universe and with other universes. Fans are very oblique on where they think it fits in. It probably links most accurately with the Universe series - although I think "officially" speaking, it's actually a canon all of it's own. Mihoshi tells the tale of an important case she and her partner Kiyone solved before she crashed onto the Earth. The only thing is, she renames all the major players, casting her fellow castaways as the leading roles in her story as she goes along.

It's really an amusing show for that reason - Pretty Sammy even gets an airing - and the link between Ryoko and Washu is hinted at, if not properly explored. Kiyone gets a hard time, as usual, and Mihoshi pretty much gives away the fact she thinks Ayeka is going to wind up an old maid if she doesn't manage to snag Tenchi (an idea that seems to correlate with her fantasy world in Tenchi Universe...interesting mind Mihoshi has!).

Rating: 6/10