SHANA (Second Edition) Set: Holograms Year: 1987 (Second) Sold: Worldwide |
CONTENTS Second Edition Shana came with the following items: ~Hairtie ~Jacket (blue) (purple) ~Bodysuit ~Shoes ~Guitar ~Earrings ~Stand ~Comb ~Cassette featuring "Jem Theme", "Broadway Magic" and "It All Depends On The Mood." Existing Variations: Second Edition Shana has a variation in her jacket - blue or purple! Mexican/Spanish/European versions? None, though Mexican Shana's instrument bears great similarity to Second Edition Shana's. |
Shana: Doll
Comments: I consider this to be one of the prettiest dolls of the whole line, if not THE prettiest. Second Edition Shana comes with a Widow Peak as standard and her ears are pierced to take two figure eight earrings.Unlike Second Edition Aja and Kimber, Shana's hairtie is NOT plugged to her head, so you cannot tell a Second Edition doll by hunting through her head for that :) Second Edition dolls are USUALLY made in China (though my sister's doll appears to be Made in Hong Kong, and she came with an earring so I believe she's for real...) and their heads are stamped the same as the First Edition Shana dolls sold in North America as standard (Hasbro 1985). Her makeup is a pale lavender and her lipstick is a dark reddish colour. Please note that Hybrid Mexican Shana comes with a Second Edition head! |
Shana: Hairtie Comments: It's not entirely easy to tell this hairtie from the common as muck Rock and Curl Jem hairtie. When put next to each other, Shana;s seems a paler colour...but the basic lace weave seems the same. I am certain only that this is Shana's because it came with my complete doll! |
Shana: Jacket (blue) Comments: I wouldn't honestly call it pure blue myself. In fact until my sister got her Shana with a very distinctly purple jacket, I thought this one might be the variation. I have had two other Shana jackets since, both of which matched the colour of this one. It is a purplish blue which seems to photograph more blue than it actually is, as a rule. I wonder if there is in fact a much bluer jacket out there as well, making THREE versions of the jacket - but I have not come across one in my time collecting, and have no MIB doll to squint at. |
Jacket (purple) Comments: This jacket came with my sister's Shana which was made in Hong Kong but I believe that to be an incidental occurance and that the distribution of the purple jacket is far more spasmodic and random. It is essentially the same as the blue one except, well, purple! |
Bodysuit Comments: Arguably the easiest piece to find from Shana's ensemble. A very distinctive looking fashion piece - with a lame green top and a spandex pink bottom. The top and bottom sections are stitched together to form an all in one bodysuit which Shana wears a LOT on the cartoon! :) |
Shoes Comments: Yellow scallop shoes, pretty much the same shade as those to the Encore fashion but as I said, scallop cut ;) |
Shana: Guitar Comments: Like all second edition instruments, Shana's guitar is now glittery and the decal is printed on, not stuck on with a label. Much classier looking, if you ask me! Shana's second edition guitar is also a much darker colour than the First edition - a more rounded purple that is less pinkish than Roxy's second edition instrument. NOT to be confused with the Mexican Shana Guitar, which is based on this design but is a lot darker in colour. |
Shana: Earrings Comments: Orangey red figure eight earrings. I have noticed that they can be more orange or more red depending on doll, but I don't know if this is a clear cut variation and is at all linked with the jacket variation. It could simply be discolouration over the years. Earrings are very hard to find, and usually the best indication of a genuine second Shana. Please note; Hybrid Mexican Shana also came with these earrings. |
Stand Comments: Neon pinkish colour, same shade as first year stands only cloudy to mark it out as a second edition Hologram stand. |
Comb Comments: Plain yellow with a slight greenish tinge to it. Not to be confused with the fluorescent yellow of Raya's comb! |
Cassette Comments: Tape is white with pink writing. Features the songs "Jem Theme", "Broadway Magic" and "It All Depends On The Mood" Side B features instrumentals for these without an instrument playing the lead vocal line. |
Mint In Box Comments: |
Second Edition Shana:
Myths and Mysteries