Soft Sleepy Newborns

Rather than give these girls individual pages, I'm going to deal with them head on as one lump item, because - to be perfectly honest - my knowledge is limited.
I know that there were three of them - Pink Dreams, Hushabye and Sweet Dreams. Each was sold with a dummy (pacifier), a bonnet and panties and a brush. Each pony could blink when her tail was pulled (well, I'd blink too, wouldn't you?) Sweet Dreams is shown above as a pastel shade of pink, but having seen her on ebay, I know she is a much darker shade.
They were sold as part of the North American market, but they never saw release in the United Kingdom. Bigger and heavier than your average pony by a long way, they would be much more kin to the My Pretty Pony of 1981-2 in their style and size. The above image is from the US insert for 1987.
"HUSHABYE" (With Baby Sleepy Head for size comparison)
Hushabye is the only one of the set which I own and which I have seen up close - but the above photo gives you some idea of the size difference between a Soft Sleepy Newborn and the regular Newborn style ponies. Where the "soft" came from is a mystery to me, since they are not soft at all - in every respect a very large baby pony.
Any and all additional information on this set would be gratefully received.