
with SCOOPS: White earth pony with purple mane and tail, pink and purple ice cream sundaes symbol spread across back and haunches, repeated on cheek.
This playset was also released in 1987, but, unlike the Crimp and Curl Hair Salon, the Satin Slipper Sweet Shoppe was never released in the United Kingdom. Consequently, nor was it's hostess, Scoops, although both played a key, if small role in the cartoon episode "Ice Cream Wars." As the name implies, the sweet shoppe was in the shape of a white slipper, opening out to reveal the counter within.
The Shoppe had many accessories that any decent Ice Cream Parlour may need - tables, chairs (oddly shaped considering the species of clientele!), 6 ice cream sodas, a specials board and even a hat and apron for Scoops herself. Despite the fact she was not sold in the UK, Scoops is still fairly easy to pick up on the second hand market (as is generally the rule with playset ponies).
Please note that my playset (photographed above) is missing the wall lights (heartshaped aqua with yellow lamps, x4) and Scoops' apron, which matches her hat.