1988: Big Brother Ponies


Blue shire pony with red-orange mane and tail (goldish yellow streak in mane) red treasure chest with gold symbol. Pirate hat and gold bandana

Barnacle was a pirate pony - though in the true spirit of Ponyland, he was more into the whole treasure hunt thing than he was into actually looting and pillaging other ponies. Well, probably a good thing, too!

I remember one story when he managed to scare several Baby Ponies with his pirate attire - but wound up making them a treasure hunt on an island. In other stories he had a boat and would go travelling looking for treasure and adventure. Sometimes he'd take other ponies aboard his ship and, ironically, he was a favourite with the babies because of it.

Barnacle was sold with curly hair, though often he is found second hand with the curls dropped or washed out.