1992: Sweet Talking Ponies

Spanish: Mimoso
German: Goldstimmchen

Pink earth pony with purple and dark pink mane and tail, two aqua blue ponies talking in a heart symbol

For some unknown reason, Chatterbox was much more publicised in the UK and the US advertising material than her sister pony. The US insert showed a version of her in a gathering of ponies for Year Ten's release, whilst the first insert image of the Sweet Talking Ponies for the UK only showed a version of Chatterbox in paler pink with a closed mouth and eyeshadow - a version which was never actually released.

The one above is the version that was sold in all countries, although the language the pony spoke varied depending on the country of origin.

Chatterbox played a heavier role in the pony comic compared to Talk a Lot, too. She was generally an annoying character, and was always drawn with crimped hair, a throwback to that original prototype image but not reflected in the toy sold.

I anticipate French Sweet Talking Ponies also exist, but I have never had one to confirm it. I would love to know if anyone out there has any information on this pony's issue or otherwise in French speaking territory, or, indeed, any other country than the ones already mentioned.