Suzaku Shichi Seishi

This part of the site is dedicated to the Suzaku Shichi Seishi, known in the English dub as  "Suzaku Seven", "Suzaku Warriors" or simply "The Suzaku". (Blah to the English dub). Since Nuriko hosts the site, I thought I'd let my other two favourite Suzaku boys take care of this section - Hotohori, Emperor of Konan, and Tasuki, Lead Bandit of the Mt Reikaku gang. (Yeesh, what a combination *that* is).

Suzaku Shichi Seishi means Seven celestial warriors of Suzaku, pretty much. (Suzaku being the God's name, Shichi meaning seven, Sei meaning star , or celestial, shi meaning fighter or warrior).  In the Japanese dub they are referred to alternately as Suzaku Shichi Seishi, Suzaku Shichisei or Shichi Seishi. I am lazy, however, and often refer to them as the Seishi. Because I'm like that. :)

This section also covers the Suzaku no Miko  (Priestess of Suzaku), Yuuki Miaka. Well, she belongs with them after all - doesn't she?

Each page contains the following:

Kanji for the character.
Names and ages of character
Seiyuu and English Voice Artist (with soundbyte clips as samples)
Pronunciation  and other observations (I really hate how the English dub butchers pronunciation of their names, hence why I bothered with this)
Songs (including brief sample clips of as many of the character's songs as I have - I don't have all the disks so I don't have all the songs, especially those from the OVAs. Sorry about that :S)
Highly detailed and very geekish character psychoanalysis, biography, etc including background, bonds and other interesting (I hope!) observations.

As regards the clip samples for voice artists, the two clips are not always from the same section of film. I've tried to use English clips where they don't sound like they're not sure what they're talking about - Chichiri's is one of the few English lines I like from the dub, so I included that one instead. Where the Japanese is concerned, I've tried to use the snippets where the character introduces themselves, to further emphasise how their names SHOULD be said.

(If I hear Chi-Cheery or Nu-reeeeeko one more time I may scream. You've been warned. It's ear covering time...)

Suzaku Shichi Seishi

Suzaku No Miko: Yuuki Miaka

