Other Sotsugyou M stuffs
This part of the site is for the bits and pieces that don't fit anywhere else, basically. For want of a better title, this is the "other" section :P
It should probably be mentioned that this is likely the tip of the iceberg since finding stuff outside of Japan is not an easy feat. You've also got to remember that M has been defunct for almost ten years now, which means everything Sotsugyou M and E.M.U is out of print. And that just adds to the challenge!
It should also be mentioned (thank you for the reminder!) that M also was spawned somewhat from a PS game which I don't have and couldn't play even if I did have, since I don't have even a UK release PS, let alone a Japanese one. Consequently I know nothing about the game side of things - but I do know that Mikimaro seems to play the M game in the OVA, trying to get Arai for his "character" :S