Drama CDs

Male Graduation Plus
These appear to link in with radio broadcasting and dramas of that nature. They lead up to the boys' graduation.

Volume One
Main story: The boys go to a festival, where Mikimaro meets a strange man who gives him the ability to grant his wishes. Mikimaro is excited and wishes for Arai to be nicer to him...starting off a series of bizarre events. Mikimaro soon realises that things were better the way they were before...and he wants his old life back!

Midnight Ghost extra story: A rumour is going around that there's the ghost of a girl being seen in the boys' dorm. Arai is sceptical and drags Nakamoto into investigating, whilst Mikimaro and Katou are hiding something and Takagi is acting strangely...

Extra track: Brief "chat" track from the seiyuu.

Volume Two
Main story: A childhood acquaintance of Yuusuke's is working in a failing cafe "The Sunflower" (Yuusuke swears she's just an old friend of his sister's!). Yuusuke volunteers Arai into helping the girl (Noriko...I forget her other name) out with cooking tips and in the end all the boys get involved in bringing the place back to life - particularly Yuusuke who has a very special way of getting patrons into the place! (Some very funny stuff with Yuusuke being called Yuu-chan by Noriko and getting all embarrassed...and then all his friends doing it, even Nakamoto...)

Love Error extra story: Someone is making late night calls to Noriko and hassling her with romantic messages of a slightly sinister time. Meanwhile Mikimaro is sure that one of Noriko's regular patrons at the Sunflower is in love with her. Things turn slightly nasty when the man's obsession becomes desperate, but then he's reckoned without the combined efforts of Arai's protective instincts and Yuusuke's ability to pedal a bike!

Extra track: Brief "chat" from the Seiyuu.

Final Volume
(N.B - Okiayu Ryoutarou barely features on this CD which suggests he was maybe busy by the time of recording and may well have been part of the reason the thing folded when it did. Consequently Takagi plays a very minimal role in both tracks. Shame, ne?)
Track One : Mikimaro wants to create some "memories" since the five will soon be parted by (in some cases) graduation. They go to an amusement park, where Arai manages to scare the crap out of Takagi on one ride, and Mikimaro the same to Nakamoto on another (while Yuusuke feeds his face). However, when they all ride together, something goes wrong and the machine breaks down. Yuusuke is the hero, saving people trapped in a damaged car. His success seems to warp his brain, because after Arai jokes with him about being super-human and not of this earth, he and Mikimaro start trying to contact aliens in order to find his "real" family...(!?!?!?!)

Track Two: It's graduation time and everyone's tying up loose ends. Except Mikimaro who's worried he'll be all by himself next year at Seiryuu's University. Yuusuke's tied up with arrangements for the NBA, Takagi's preoccupied with his music...while Nakamoto and Arai struggle to work out how to pay for accomodation & everything else while they repeat third year. Mikimaro thinks he's helping when he asks Arai's father to bail Arai out - but instead Arai gets furious with him. In tears, Mikimaro runs off...and gets himself into trouble! It's up to Arai and his companions to rescue him before something really unpleasant happens to him!
(Addendum: I was a bit peeved that Arai decided to ask for Yoshiki's help in the end, despite how much he's always about standing on his own two feet...get a flipping job, damn you...)