Like the Schooltime Ponies, the Playschool Babies were largely associated with the Schoolhouse, and, really, the set seemed to be designed for them, with the desks and door the perfect size for them to interact with. There were four in the set, though, for some reason, there was no unicorn. Instead, one of the babies was a boy - although when he was actually released, this was called seriously into doubt!
The first time the Playschool Babies were advertised, they were shown in a variety of older poses from previous years. When they were sold, they also featured old poses, but...not necessarily the same ones that they had been promoted in! In fact, only Baby Pictures bears any resemblance to the initial prototype image.
This has caused umteen amounts of confusion over the years, with people not sure whether there are multiple versions or UK/Euro versions or what is going on. The simple answer is...Hasbro. ;)
The insert image shows initial test models, but the actual sold ponies resemble those shown at the top of the page. There are no pose or symbol variations in the actual release!
The insert was also wrong on another count; the type of comb sold with the ponies in this set. In fact, these baby ponies came with a unique comb moulded into the numbers 1234. Aside from the Dutch variant of Baby Schoolbag, no other pony was ever sold with this 1234 comb.
Each baby also had freckles on each cheek.
Please note that the prototype image above shows Baby Alphabet with AB on her symbol, but the real baby had Ee printed on her book.
There have also been some random and unexplained name variations offered for this set over the years, but the ones on this site are the correct English language names for these ponies based on the UK packaging and comic releases.