
Rainbow Ponies

There were six characters in the 'German' release of the Rainbow Ponies. From Mondschein and Hümmelchen - who looked enough like the mainstream characters to be recogniseable to all - to Regentropfen and Nachtlicht, two entirely new personas.

Please note that the links for Mondschein and Hümmelchen lead to the Moonstone and Flutterbye pages, since they are easily inter-confused.

The set consisted of one unicorn, two pegasi and three earth ponies. As far as I can ascertain, these were issued some time around 1987 as "Regenbogen-Ponys" in German speaking countries.

REGENBOGEN-PONYS, German advertising booklet, 1987

For some reason, Himmelstänzer was called Himmelstürmer (Skystriker) in the advertising material. On my Hummelchen's backcard, however, she is called Himmelstänzer, so I'm classifying her under that name.