1989: Loving Family Ponies
MUMMY: Blue earth pony with pink mane and tail, pink balloons across body.
DADDY: Blue earth pony with dark green mane and tail, clydesdale hooves, aqua and purple presents across body.
BABY SISTER: Blue earth baby pony with pink and dark green mane and tail, pink balloons and aqua and purple presents across body.
BABY BROTHER: Blue earth baby colt (ringed hooves) with pink and dark green mane and tail, pink balloons and aqua and purple presents across body.
The Sweet Celebration Loving Family were the first of the three Loving Family sets to be introduced into the My Little Pony comic. Spotted through a telescope by Spike and Baby Lucky after a whisper from Sorbet Surprise's gossipy grape vine, they arrived at Dream Castle bearing presents for all and sundry. Now that the Party Ponies were nearing 'retirement' in Memory Lane, and with Sunbeam long gone, the Sweet Celebration family would take over the party-throwing mantle. In short, whenever there was a party to be had, you could guarantee there'd be a Sweet Celebration at the bottom of it!
In the United Kingdom, the family comprised four members - mother, father, baby brother and baby sister. In the North American edition, the baby girl was not released, and the set only consisted of the other three ponies.
I believe that the North American release of the families also issued them in complete sets, whereas in the United Kingdom release, they were initially put out as seperate ponies. In their second year of issue, the families were sold together in 'gift sets'. None of the ponies really had much in the way of accessories - the adults had a hairbrush/ribbon and the babies either a coloured bow-tie (for the boys, as pictured on Baby Brother, above) or an 'I Luv You' hair clip (for the girls). Some were also sold during the Mummy Charm offer, meaning that there was often a second little friend hiding within the packages. (The above pictured pony is one such release, as can be told by the dark blue sticker in the top right hand corner).
DADDY SWEET CELEBRATIONS (No Country of Manufacture) |
For some mysterious reason, each of the parent ponies also had a 'no country' version, pictured above. The babies did not have a no country version, and it has since been proven that these 'no country' ponies were actually made in Spain. These were sold continent-wide and there doesn't seem to be any particular logic to which versions were sold in what countries.