
Baby Ponies
(Play and Care Set Babies)

This year was Hasbro's first full set of baby ponies. But, being Hasbro, they had to make it nice and complicated. Depending on where you lived in the world, you got a different release. In North America, six ponies were sold - 2 baby earth, 2 baby pegasus and 2 baby unicorns. All the pegasus and unicorn babies had glittering symbols. In parts of continental Europe, the same set was sold but with a dearth of accessories and no glittering symbols. I've been told that in Holland and Belgium the glittering symbolled ponies were sold, sometimes also without many accessories. And, here in the poor old UK, we had three Baby Earthlings - Baby Applejack being our exclusive to 'make up' for being deprived the unicorn and pegasus babies.

Even by 1985, the limitations of the UK line were becoming blatantly obvious ^_^.

BABY COTTON CANDY advertised in the UK 1985 Argos Catalogue
(thanks to Garej for this scan)

In the UK, the three ponies released were known under the heading of "Play and Care Set" Baby Ponies. This title was later extended to include the Baby Ponies who would be released in 1986.