1987: Princess Ponies and Attendants
Yellow earth pony with lavender mane and tail (tinsel - some say silver, some say gold, some say both!) Pinkish star jewelled medallion symbol.
Princess Amber was always famed in the comics for being a "doer." She was an optimist, her catchphrase of "That's no bother" almost inevitably making whatever she was doing a complete and utter bother. But despite it all, she meant well. And Flash, her loyal dragon attendant, did his best to keep up with her - fixing the messes she often left in her wake.
WISHFUL the BUSHWOOLIE (N. American release attendant) |
In North America, Princess Amber was called Princess Starburst. She was sold with Wishful, the purple bushwoolie. Her other accessories also were different, though in the UK her damsel hat was definitely aqua with silver stars and moons, and pink gilt edged ribbons!