1987: Princess Ponies and Attendants
Blue earth pony with dark pink mane and tail (dark pink tinsel), pink jewelled crescent moon medallion.
Princess Sapphire was the oldest and the cleverest of the Princess Ponies, well known in Ponyland for her wisdom and quick thinking. For this reason, Sapphire's dragon attendant, Smokey, was the youngest and most unsure of the dragon brood, because it was felt she could teach him the most about the world. The story that really springs to mind with these two is one involving crescent moon magic and the Paradise Estate swimming pool, when the diving board turned into a backwards helter skelter. I know it sounds crazy :P.
It's worth mentioning that, when new (as you can see from LadyG's boxed pony), Sapphire's symbol is a more definite pink. Mine has lived with me since 1987 and she's been through a lot in that time, so hers has faded out a little (though you can still just about see the colour). Her hat should also have a white strap - this was replaced when I was a kid :)
EAGER the BUSHWOOLIE (N. American release attendant) |
In North America, Princess Sapphire was called Princess Royal Blue (What is she, a paint colour?) . She was sold with Eager, one of the pink bushwoolies.
Her accessories in the UK and the US varied from issue to issue, like the attendants. Sapphire is pictured above with her correct hat for the UK - purple with silver stars and moons and gold, gilt-edged ribbons. It's worth noting too that this hat was often sold with Princess Amethyst too, for some unknown reason of Hasbro's own. She was also definitely sold with an aqua wand, as well as the dark blue one pictured with the MIB above, because as a kid I had one princess and one wand...which was aqua :)